dinsdag 27 juli 2010

Ah Pook The Destroyer - William Burroughs

Ah Pook, of Ah Puch: God van de Vernietiging in de Maya Religie en Mythologie. Ah Pook is God van: Dood, Onderwereld, Vernietiging, Duisternis. "Ah Puch ruled Mitnal, the lowest level of the Mayan underworld. Because he ruled death, he was closely allied with the gods of war, disease, and sacrifice. Like the Aztecs, the Mayans associated death with dogs owls, so Ah Puch was generally accompanied by a dog or an owl. Ah Puch is also often described as working against the gods of fertility." bron: Austin Cline

Fragment uit "Ah Pook the Destroyer" van William S. Burroughs, zoals te horen is op het album Dead City Radio (Island Records 1990):

"Question: What are we here for?"
"Answer: We're all here to go..."
"Question: Who really gave their order?"
"Answer: Control. The ugly American. The instrument of control."
"Question: If control's control is absolute, why does Control need to control?"
"Answer: control needs time."
"Question: is control controlled by our need to control?"
"Answer: Yes."
"Why does control need humans, as you call them?"
"Wait... wait! Time, or landing. Death needs Time, like a junky needs junk."
"And what does Death need Time for?"
"The answer is so simple. Death needs Time for what it kills to grow in. For Ah Pook's sake."
"Death needs Time for what it kills to grow in. For Ah Pook's sweet sake? You stupid vulgar greedy ugly American death-sucker!"

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